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School of Gnosis: South Africa


(Meditation Classes and Gnostic Lectures 2022)
-Scheduled Dates and Time-


09th - Saturday
(Gathering @ Gnostic Centre)
Time: 13:05pm - Meditation
14:00pm - Lecture

23th - Saturday
(Gathering @ Gnostic Centre)
Time: 13:05pm - Meditation
14:00pm - Lecture


07th - Saturday
(Gathering @ Gnostic Centre)
Time: 13:05pm - Meditation
14:00pm - Lecture

21st - Saturday
(Gathering @ Gnostic Centre)
Time: 13:05pm - Meditation
14:00pm - Lecture


04th - Saturday
(Gathering @ Gnostic Centre)
Time: 13:05pm - Meditation
14:00pm - Lecture

18th - Saturday
(Gathering @ Gnostic Centre)
Time: 13:05pm - Meditation
14:00pm - Lecture

Astonomical Clock
Astonomical Clock

Zodiac Month: Arise  

From the 21 of March to the 19 of April.

Rules: The Head

Metal: Iron

Stone: Ruby and Diamond

Perfume: Myrrh

Plant: The Oak

Flower: The Red Carnation

Planet: Mars

Color: Red


"This is why esoteric Astrology is the religion of light and the heart. Each of our sidereal planets has its Sidereal Ruler:"


• Gabriel → is the Ruler of the Moon

• Raphael → is the Ruler of Mercury

• Uriel → is the Ruler of Venus

• Michael → is the Ruler of the Sun

• Samael → is the Ruler of Mars

• Zachariel → is the Ruler of Jupiter

• Orifiel → is the Ruler of Saturn


"These are the seven spirits before the throne of God.

As we have already said, each of them dwells in a heart-temple, and because of it, esoteric Astrology is the religion of light and love."


"These are the seven angels who distribute among them the governing of the world in seven different eras, since the entire history of the world is summarized in seven eras."

  - Samael Aun Weor, Zodiac Course 


Study the Esoteric Astrology of
Each Stellar Nucleus
Zodiac Course: by V. M. Samael Aun Weor

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